Thanks to Kari Lygren and V. Long for photos of engorged snowflakes and to Jennifer Jacobs for courtesy photos of herself with students.

On Saturday morning, March 28, Moose Mountains Regional Greenways and Branch Hill Farm/Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust (BHF/CSFCT) will offer a fun and educational outdoor workshop about snowflakes. Professor Jennifer Jacobs will lead the walk at Branch Hill Farm in Milton Mills to look at snow and share information about how the warming climate is affecting snowfall and the structure of snowflakes. This event was rescheduled due to extreme cold on the previous date.

Jacobs teaches Civil Engineering at the University of New Hampshire and spends much of her time learning about how the changing climate is impacting the natural and built world around us. Her interest in the effects of climate change on snow has been stimulated in recent years by noticing the ‘crazy’ winter weather and changing size and characteristics of snowflakes, such as flakes engorged to excess size after falling through alternating cold and warm atmospheric layers. Scientists are interested in how such differently-shaped flakes affect snow melting, which in turn may impact our water resources and landscape.

The first portion of the workshop will be indoors, where workshop participants will learn how to use instrumentation to measure and observe snow; to identify different types of snow and snowflakes; and to observe how they change based on weather conditions. The remainder of the workshop will be a walk outdoors in the snow with the group locating and distinguishing different types of snow and snowflakes as well as patterns that trees and wind have made in the snow.

Jacobs is excited to share her love of snow: “The best way to enjoy a New England winter is to get outside and see the amazing show that the winter weather provides. With just a little bit of help, anyone from age 5 to 100 can learn to see and appreciate the many varieties of snow and snowflakes.”

The workshop will take place 10 am – 12 pm on Saturday, March 28. It is free and open to all ages but pre-registration is required by noon on Friday, March 27. Snowshoes are recommended; if there is no snow, the workshop will be postponed until next winter.  For more information, directions and to register, contact MMRG Education Coordinator Kari Lygren at 603-978-7125 or email

Branch Hill Farm/the Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust works to protect open space and working forests and to educate the public about sound forestry, conservation and agricultural practices; see