Thanks to volunteer Rachel Towne for this photo of kids having fun snowshoeing at our 2020 Family Snowhoe Tracking event!

The snow-covered fields and snowy woods of Branch Hill Farm made for a fun morning outside, enjoyed by a couple dozen parents, grandparents and kids signed up for a ‘Family Snowshoe Tracking’ activity. The event was part of our MOOSE-ies for Families program and co-sponsored by Branch Hill Farm/Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust (BHF/CSFCT).

From infants in backpacks up to late elementary school kids, children and their families had a great time. Kids, wearing snowshoes provided by MMRG, followed a line of coyote tracks heading straight across the field up to the edge of the icy pond. MMRG Education Coordinator Kari Lygren explained, “Dogs tend to wander as they walk, but coyotes can’t count on regular meals so typically walk in a straight path to conserve energy.” Indeed, the coyote had continued straight across the ice.  The families, however, skirted the pond and headed into the forest on a woods road, where they encountered more coyote tracks coming from the forest. The children observed that the animal had approached the opening to the field but turned around, perhaps reluctant to venture out into the open.

A hike through the woods was rewarded with a view of the scenic Branch River and the call of a blue jay. Afterwards, the children got a thrill out of sledding on a variety of flying saucers and sleds generously provided for the day by the Terry family. A few initial runs created a track on the hill of fresh snow, and then the sleds flew down at high speed, to the great satisfaction of both children and adults.

MOOSE-ies for Families events are a membership benefit for MMRG member families, but non-members are encouraged to try out their first family activity for free. Click here to see the 2020 MOOSE-ies for Families series flyer, which includes Birdhouse Building (March), Using a Map to Find Your Way (also in March), Following a Stream (May), the annual Woods, Water & Wildlife Festival (second Saturday in August), Night Time Walk (September), Photography Scavenger Hunt (October), and Natural Holiday Decorations (December). Click here to join MMRG. Or inquire about available scholarships by calling 603-473-2020.

Branch Hill Farm/the Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust works to protect open space and working forests and to educate the public about sound forestry, conservation and agricultural practices; see