Shillaber Easement

Shillaber View
Shillaber Stream Hor

Shillaber Easement


The Shillaber property is an active conservation project located off Sheepboro Road in Farmington, NH, with a portion of the lot located in Strafford. Approximately 200 acres of the property falls within Farmington and 25 acres falls within Strafford. The property has 2,300 ft of frontage on both sides of  the Berry River, making 30% of the property wetlands. The Berry River is one of primary water sources for the Rochester Water Reservoir. 

According to the NHFG Wildlife Action Plan, 59% of the property is ranked as either tier 1 or tier 2 habitat and the remainder is supporting landscape. The NH Wildlife Connectivity Model done by NHFG also shows that nearly 100% of the parcel has high permeability for wildlife. Over 4500 acres of other conserved lands fall within close proximity to the Shillaber parcel and are under mixed ownership between SELT, the Blue Hills Foundation and the Blue Job State Forest. 

This property falls within the core focus area under MMRG’s Conservation Action Plan.  


This project will be completed with support from generous community members like you! 

Interested in contributing to this new conservation effort? Donations can be made online, or by mailing a check payable to Moose Mountains Regional Greenways and mailed to: MMRG Attn: Current Projects, PO Box 191, Union, NH 03887

All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Thank you for your support!


Land Details

Year To Be Conserved
MMRG's Interest
Conservation Easement
Public Access?


Sheepboro Road, Farmington, Strafford County, New Hampshire, United States