Casey Road Conservation Area

Casey Road Map 12.12.23
casey road conservation area winter walk

Casey Road Conservation Area


The Casey Road Conservation Land is owned by the Town of Milton, with a conservation easement on the property held by MMRG. Projects led by Eagle Scouts and volunteers have provided a school bus turn-around and trail improvements. A trail out to the ridge knoll offers a limited winter view when leaves are off the trees. Another downhill trail leads to the scenic Lyman Brook, which flows from an upstream beaver pond located on the neighboring 11-acre Liberty Circle Open Space (open to the public and protected by conservation easement held by the Town of Milton). The land has stone walls and distinct vegetative areas featuring different tree species that reveal the history of farming in the area. 

Please carry out what you carry in, keep dogs on a leash to protect vernal pools, respect other people’s space and that of the adjacent property owners. The Town of Milton will allow mountain biking unless this damages the trail. 

Property Map

Links for More Information:

Tree ID at Casey Rd Conservation Area

Original Conservation Announcement

Land Details

Year Conserved
MMRG's Interest
Conservation Easement
Public Access?


Casey Road, Hayes Corner, Milton, Strafford County, New Hampshire, 03851, United States
Casey Road, Hayes Corner, Milton, Strafford County, New Hampshire, 03851, United States

Holder Information

Fee Holder
Town of Milton